4 Participation Countries

Capacity Building in Higher Education

Curricula Enrichment delivered through the Application of Location-based Services to Intelligent Transport Systems

Curricula Enrichment delivered through the Application of Location-based Services to Intelligent Transport Systems / LBS2ITS


Start  : 15 Jan 2021
End    : 14 Jan 2021

Project Reference

618657-EPP-1-2020-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP EU
Grant: 965465 EUR

Programme : Erasmus+
Key Action   : Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type : Capacity Building in higher education

Funded By

Erasmus+ Programme of European Union


Technische Universitaet Wien (TUW)

KARLSPLATZ 13 1040 WIEN Extra-Regio NUTS 2 Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)
Address: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Department for Geodesy and Geoinformation

Research Divisions Engineering Geodesy and Cartography

Program Countries Project Partners

Technische Universitaet Dresden


Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

National Technical University of Athens - NTUA

HEROON POLYTECHNIOU 9 ZOGRAPHOU CAMPUS 15780 ATHINA Extra-Regio NUTS 2 Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

Sri Lankan Project Partners

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

University of Moratuwa


Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

University of Sri Jayawardhanapura


Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)

General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University


Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level)


Sri Lanka faces many transportation challenges. Constraints such as timely access to modern technology and the lack of appropriately trained personnel have contributed to increasing social, economic and environmental concerns around road safety, pollution and transport inefficiencies. We will address these issues through enrichment of the university curricula. Specifically, the integration of Location-based Services (LBS) into Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

LBS deliver information based on the location of objects. Smart transportation is therefore an ideal LBS application since it is based on locating people (e.g. using smartphones) and objects (e.g. cars, trains, etc.). As LBS evolve rapidly, there is an increasing need to train the next generation of skilled professionals who can leverage these new capabilities. This is important for Sri Lanka, where population growth and resource constraints demand the urgent use of emerging technologies to secure the safety and sustainability of their society. This level of education is in its infancy and cannot rapidly deliver the knowledge inputs required to change transport management decision-making.

LBS2ITS is based on a consortium of three EU and four Sri Lankan Universities. It will build a fully immersive and integrated teaching and learning experience. The outcome will be a digital learning environment supporting synthetic and real-world learning experiences encouraging self-paced learning modules for both teacher and students. It will contain digital resource kits for interaction with modern equipment, continuous assessment and two-way feedback. Webinars and virtual experiences will underpin real-world Problem-based Learning (PBL) scenarios. A key novelty will be inclusion of industry representatives and external experts in the advisory groups. These will support our dissemination and quality control initiatives, the relevance of the PBL and student learning outcomes. Mentorship and a focus on cultural awareness, gender equity and social parity will govern our principles for curricula enrichment.

Scheduled and Planned Events


Ranasinghe P., T. Dammalage, G. Retscher (2019): A Low-cost Public Transport Tracking and Information System for Commuters in Sri Lanka. in: Gartner G., H. Huang (eds.): Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services (LBS 2019), November 11-13, 2019, Vienna, Austria, pp. 207-211.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34726/lbs2019.25

Retscher G., V. Gikas, R. Gerike (2021): Curricula Enrichment for Sri Lankan Universities Delivered Through the Application of Location-based Services to Intelligent Transport Systems. in: Papers presented at the FIG e-Working Week 2021, June 20-24, 2021, 16 pgs. (paper 10865).

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New York, NY 10002


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